

– Leysen B, Van den Eynden B, Gielen B, Bastiaens H, Wens J. Implementation of a Care Pathway for Primary Palliative Care in 5 research clusters in Belgium: quasi-experimental study protocol and innovations in data collection (pro-SPINOZA). BMC Palliative Care 2015.

Oral presentations:
– Leysen B., Van den Eynden B, Wens J. Implementation of the Care Pathway for Primary Palliative Care, during « Palliative Medicine in the Community – A Workshop by the EAPC Primary Palliative Care Taskforce ». 13th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC). 2013, May 30th-June 1st. Prague, the Czech republic.
–  Leysen Bert. Pro-Spinoza: an innovative health care data collection system.  Biomina Research Day, University of Antwerpen. 2014, February 20th. Antwerp, Belgium.
–  Leysen B, Van den Eynden B, Wens J. Which experiences do family doctors have while performing palliative care? Flemish-Dutch Research Forum for Palliative Care. 2015, March 27th. Antwerp, Belgium.


Poster Presentations:

– Leysen B, Wens J, Van den Eynden B. Facilitators and barriers for family doctors (FD) to deliver high quality palliative care (PC). North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting. 2014, November 21th -25 th. New York, USA.

– Leysen B, Van den Eynden B, Wens J. Which experiences do family doctors have while performing palliative care? Flemish-Dutch Research Forum for Palliative Care. 2015, March 27th. Antwerp, Belgium.


Abstracts (congress book):

– Leysen B., Wens J., Van den Eynden B. Implementation of the Care Pathway for Primary Palliative Care. Palliative Medicine 2014. 28(6); 851-852. 8th World research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC). 2014, June 5th-7th. Lleida, Spain.



– Leysen B., Van den Eynden B., Wens J. Rapid Response to: The Liverpool care pathway: a cautionary tale (!)